


This activities are carried out by youth based on voluntary aged between 18-30 who come to Turkey from various European countries within the scope of the Erasmus+ European Solidarity Corps program. The target group of these activities is disadvantaged Turkish and Syrian children aged between 8-15. Using non-formal education methods such as games and energizers contributes to kids learning English by having fun. There is at least one local volunteer in each activity to facilitate communication between ESC volunteers and participating kids. Through these activities, both participants and ESC volunteers gain competencies that contributes to their personal development such as learning languages, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures.



In order to encourage the use of environmentally friendly products for a sustainable green environment in environmental projects, and to minimize the use of plastic, Geged carries out cleaning activities in green and dirty areas to raise environmental awareness of local people who lives in Gaziantep with foreign and local volunteers coming within the scope of ESC and Erasmus+. 

Volunteers are taken to the forests in the activity area by shuttle bus. The waste there is collected and separated. These separated wastes are left to collection centers. In return for the points earned from the sorted waste, products such as toys and basketballs are bought and distributed to the children. Apart from this, the ‘zero plastic’ project, which we implement from time to time, is tried to be instilled in volunteers and local people.



GEGED, beside holding physical activities, also holds digital activities that are aiming to have an impact on the main topic of the current project. 

Over the course of digital campaigns, the main purpose is the usage of short movies to create a project outcome that is used as project dissemination. Short movies are later shared on YouTube, Instagram and such social media platforms to share it with the rest of the world. In order to let the volunteer create such short movies, GEGED provides cameras, Premiere Pro application and trainings on how to use cameras to shoot videos and how to use Premiere Pro to edit the recorded videos. Short Movie activity has 3 sessions to help volunteer practice usage of materials. In the first phase volunteers gather to create 90 second long comedy short movies about topics that have been provided. Between all sessions GEGED holds movie nights to see the short movies altogether and to improve what is missing in the outcomes of the topics. 

After the necessary improvements and suggestions, volunteers then receive new topics to create 150-180 second long short movies for the second phase. Once the groups are done creating their short movies and seeing what they have done during both sessions, then they receive their last and main project topic as a problem and asked to find solutions that they can show within the short movies. 



Non-formal learning is implemented by our association in order to increase the skills of people in the after-school education processes, to think about a specific subject and to produce solutions, and to improve the community-oriented learning skills of groups that do not know each other. With this learning method, we aim to overcome the language barrier, highlight the sharing of experience, and disseminate good practice examples among individuals. We want to instill non-formal learning methods into individuals with national and international volunteering projects.


Conversation/Speaking Clubs aim to improve both participant’s and attending volunteer’s speaking ability in English by having a colloquium. Beside all our activities, this specific activity’s target group varies from 14 to 40. 

For the activity, GEGED provides a space for volunteers to facilitate the activity, although volunteers are free to choose to hold their activity in an open area such as parks etc. Volunteers’ responsibility for the Conversation Clubs are choosing a main topic to discuss, to direct questions about the topic to participants and to overcome the geographical obstacle the participants have. For participants’ point of view, besides being able to improve the person’s English speaking ability, It also helps them learn about new people and new cultures that the volunteers are coming from. Though there is no limit on topics, volunteers are required to check the saved activity logs to see if the topic they are going to talk about has been done earlier or not with the group they are going to hold the activity.  

To keep the participants interested in the topic, it is suggested to use energizers and games. Activity lasts 2 hours and even though the ESC volunteer is the facilitator, there is always a local volunteer to help with logistics and to translate if necessary.